Nomination committee

The nomination committee represents the company’s shareholders. The nomination committee will prepare proposals for the general meeting’s resolutions regarding the election of the board and board fee’s, election of the external auditor and auditor’s fee, and in so far as it seems requisite, changes to the procedures in force for the nomination committee.

The nomination committee consists of the four largest shareholders of the company in terms of votes, according to Euroclear Sweden AB’s share register on August 31. Each such shareholder shall be offered the opportunity to appoint a representative who shall, together with the Chairman of the Board, form the nomination committee. If any of these shareholders renounce from its right to appoint a representative, the right to appoint such representative shall pass to the largest shareholder in turn in terms of votes which is not already entitled to be represented on the nomination committee. The Chairman of the nomination committee shall be the member who represents the largest shareholder in terms of votes.

Notice of the general meetings will be published in Post- och Inrikes Tidningar (the Swedish Official Gazette) and will be kept available on the company’s website. At the time of the notice, an announcement with information that the notice has been issued shall be published in Svenska Dagbladet.

Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the nomination committee for the annual general meeting can do so by e-mail to: Proposals should be submitted to the nomination committee no later than seven weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting.

The nomination committee for the annual general meeting, May 13, 2025;

  • Thomas Eldered, appointed by Flerie AB
  • Johan Gyllenswärd, appointed by Ribbskottet AB
  • Mattias Klintemar, appointed by Östersjöstiftelsen
  • Johan Wadell, appointed by AP2
  • Anders Ekblom, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Xspray Pharma AB